Augmented Reality and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: An Overview

Thankfully, the fourth industrial revolution is already here — it arrived with the invention of augmented reality.

Mira Reality


Historians note three significant innovations that, with their introduction, revolutionized industry. For those who need a refresher or those who fell asleep in history class, the first industrial revolution occurred when humanity utilized water and steam power. The second was spurred on by the introduction of electricity and mass production. The third revolves around the rise of digital information technology and automation.

For a long time, great unease centered around how the third industrial revolution would ultimately impact the worker. Would automation make the classical worker obsolete? Would machines replace humanity? Despite no indications of that happening wholesale, the concern persists, perhaps intensifying by our collective unknown future.

Thankfully, the fourth industrial revolution is already here — it arrived with the invention of augmented reality.

How AR Drives the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The case for AR being the fourth industrial revolution is straightforward as AR is the means to put the digital information captured in the third industrial revolution to work.

Unlike its digital “cousin” virtual reality, augmented reality allows users to interact in real-time with the real world, empowering them with information. In effect, by coupling the computing power of machines to the creative mind of people, AR brings workers back into the industrial equation. Considering the potential alternate path of obsolescence, this is quite revolutionary.

While widespread adoption of AR has previously been curbed by cost confident innovators have already started to remove this obstacle its inevitability will be fueled by need because the gains are undeniable.

Some Benefits of AR

The knowledge transfer made possible through AR improves the worker’s welfare and that of the enterprise. A digital solution removes paper from the equation, eliminating possibly outdated materials and freeing up a user’s hands simultaneously. An AR-guided workflow ensures steps are completely followed, maintaining a safe environment for the workers while, at the same time, safeguarding equipment as well.

AR empowers businesses with access to their experts globally and without travel. As aging labor exits the workforce, capturing their collective knowledge will prove critical. Acting as a remote expert makes their transition easier while maintaining the integrity of the experience transfer.

The Future is Now

The same things that drove the third industrial revolution will propel the fourth one as well. As predicted by Moore’s Law, advances in technology will make augmented reality more and more commonplace.

Safer workplace. Well-maintained machinery. Comprehensive knowledge transfer.

The AR revolution has begun. Are you a part of it?



Delivering augmented reality to the masses by removing the friction. Hands-free computing for today’s industrial front-line workforce.